Quick Start Guide

Get started using BrainCheck (3 min)

In this guide, you’ll learn how to create a new test taker record, administer a test, and view a BrainCheck® CQ™ Report. 

Step 1: Sign into the Admin Portal

In your web browser, first navigate to https://app.braincheck.com/users/sign_in.

Fill out your login credentials provided. If you have not received your credentials, please contact support@braincheck.com or contact the project manager within your organization.

Step 2: Add a New Test Taker

Navigate to the “Test Takers” tab at the top of your screen. 

Then click the pink button, “Add Test Taker”

Fill out the required fields and any optional fields available for the individual.

Click “Save” when you are finished and you will have created a new test taker record.

Step 3: Administer a BrainCheck Standard Battery

In most cases, you will be administering the standard battery, which is a series of five brief assessments that will test an individual’s cognitive health. 

To administer a standard battery, first search for a test taker record. If there is no record found, see Step 2 above to create a new record.

Click on the patient’s record on the left navigation, then click “Begin Test” under the section titled “Standard Battery”. Follow the on-screen guides to ensure the patient is comfortable and prepared to take the assessment. Once this is done, hand them the iPad and wait for them to complete the test, at which point they will be prompted to hand the iPad back to you.

Step 4: View a BrainCheck® CQ™ Report

The BrainCheck® CQ™ Report provides clinicians with an overall snapshot of cognitive health and detailed insight into individual cognitive domains like executive function, attention, and memory.  

View a individual’s CQ report from the “Results & Reports” navigation tab. 

Use the search box to find the test taker record, then click “View / Manage Report” located on the right side of the screen. 

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