FDA Class II Medical Device

BrainCheck Assess

A young doctor with a digital tablet device is explaining the benefits of neurocognitive evaluation to a patient in her clinical practice, emphasizing patient care

A new era in cognitive assessment

As research on lifestyle interventions expands and new treatment options emerge, timely detection of cognitive impairment has never been more important. However, providers have lacked the solutions needed to incorporate cognitive assessments into routine care.

BrainCheck Assess addresses this gap, offering a trustworthy tool to evaluate and track cognitive health over time – from any device, in any location.

By detecting subtle signs of cognitive impairment, which may have association with dementias, including Alzheimer’s disease, providers can accelerate discovery, unlocking the powerful benefits of early intervention.

Trusted tools, transformed

Evaluate a range of cognitive domains with our standard battery of clinically-validated digital versions of familiar screeners.

Check memory with immediate and delayed recognition

Immediate and delayed recognition tests assess the ability to recognize previously seen items, determining function in the temporal, frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes.

Measure attention with Trails A and B

Trails A & B are widely used neuropsychological tests that measure visual search speed, scanning, processing speed, mental flexibility, and executive functioning. These tests provide insight into cognitive function in the frontal lobe, and also in the parietal and occipital lobe.

Attention illustration

Evaluate executive function with the Stroop Color and Word test

The Stroop Color and Word test measures reaction time required to overcome cognitive interference. This proven test assesses function primarily in the frontal lobes.

Executive function illustration

Assess mental flexibility with Trails B

Trails B is an established neuropsychological test that evaluates cognitive flexibility, attention, visual scanning, and memory by assessing ability to switch between numbers and letters while connecting circles in ascending order.

Mental Flexibility Illustration

Evaluate processing speed with Digit-Symbol Substitution

The Digit-Symbol Substitution test measures processing speed and accuracy. This proven test assesses function primarily in the frontal lobes.

Why BrainCheck Assess?

Two people discussing
For providers
BrainCheck Assess revolutionizes cognitive health monitoring, making it as simple and routine as checking blood pressure or cholesterol.
  • Quickly and accurately evaluate brain function with results that are easier to track over time
  • Enable remote testing to assess cognitive health from any location, ensuring convenience and accessibility
  • Access results directly within the EHR, informing next steps with intuitive reports and in-depth analytics
  • Elevate the standard of care with fully reimbursable assessments, enhancing patient care and practice efficiency
Two people discussing
A young nurse talking to an elderly patient in an office, reassuring her with a gentle smile while placing her hand on the patient's hand
For health systems
BrainCheck Assess offers a scalable, efficient solution for standardizing cognitive assessments enterprise-wide.
  • Optimize workflow by modernizing testing and instantly accessing results
  • Enhance system-wide efficiency and consistency in cognitive care delivery
  • Support data-driven decisions to prioritize intervention, improving patient care and outcomes
  • Strengthen quintuple aim alignment while supporting value-based care initiatives
A young nurse talking to an elderly patient in an office, reassuring her with a gentle smile while placing her hand on the patient's hand
Mobile phone with numbers displayed
For patients and caregivers
BrainCheck Assess empowers patients and caregivers with a proactive approach to maintaining brain health and achieving peace of mind.
  • Facilitate early detection and proactive management of cognitive impairment
  • Increase patient satisfaction by including cognitive care in routine screenings
  • Optimize annual wellness visits and personalize care with a range of ready-made screeners
Mobile phone with numbers displayed

Assess cognition –
anytime, anywhere

Administer remote cognitive assessments on any device, from any location, to improve accessibility, enhance efficiency, and overcome barriers to timely and effective cognitive care.

Color test on tablet
An elderly patient is talking to a young practitioner

Tailor tests on your terms

Quickly and easily develop personalized protocols customized for unique patient needs with access to a range of ready-made screeners.

Contextualize scores at a glance

Put the broader population at your fingertips – comparing patient results against their peers with our robust normative database.

Braincheck test result
Patient reading report

Instantly tap into results

Access actionable insights through in-depth digital dashboard reports, empowering providers to translate scores into strategies.

Seamless integration
for smarter care

Maximize clinical efficiency with intuitive workflows, including EHR integration, designed to save time and keep you focused on the patient.

Doctor and Patient
Ok good better

Improve patient care
– and get paid for it

Promote practice profitability with a plug-and-play solution that offers proven reimbursement.

Proven technology, powerful results

With high sensitivity and specificity, BrainCheck Assess delivers the accuracy of traditional tests, with the convenience and reliability of a mobile, digital, and easy-to-use assessment.

sensitivity in identifying dementia
sensitivity in identifying cognitive
impairment as well as dementia
specificity in identifying cognitive
impairment and dementia
of patients reported high levels of satisfaction
with BrainCheck Assess and BrainCheck Plan

Your questions, answered.

Key things to know and discover about cognitive assessments.

Why is a cognitive assessment important for patients?

Cognitive assessments are crucial to empower early detection of cognitive impairment. Studies show 40% of dementia is preventable by addressing modifiable risk factors and making simple lifestyle changes. Early intervention maximizes the window of opportunity and can significantly improve outcomes and quality of life.

How can providers assess cognitive function?

Traditionally, cognitive assessments have been conducted using paper and pencil tests, such as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and the Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) – but digital solutions like BrainCheck Assess have revolutionized this process. Now, providers ranging from primary care to specialists can conquer the constraints of outdated assessments and easily evaluate patients’ cognition, on any device, in any location.

What information does a cognitive assessment provide?

Cognitive tests evaluate brain function to identify potential signs of impairment, but the insights provided may vary. To ensure accurate results, it is important to measure cognition comprehensively. BrainCheck Assess evaluates a range of key neurocognitive domains, including memory, attention, executive function, and mental flexibility. It highlights areas of strength and weakness, tracks changes over time, and helps guide clinical decisions with detailed, actionable insights.

What is BrainCheck Assess and how does it work?

BrainCheck Assess is a FDA Class II medical device that easily and objectively detects subtle signs of cognitive impairment, which may have association with dementias including Alzheimer’s disease. Leveraging clinically-validated digital versions of familiar screeners, it empowers providers to precisely measure performance across multiple cognitive domains – offering the most flexible and convenient solution.

Is BrainCheck Assess reimbursable?

Yes, BrainCheck Assess is fully reimbursable, enhancing practice profitability while improving patient care. The platform includes support for billing and reimbursement processes, ensuring that clinicians can provide high-quality cognitive assessments without financial barriers.

Ready to get started?

A new, more accessible journey towards empowered and informed brain health awaits.


  1. Ye S, Sun K, Huynh D, Phi HQ, Ko B, Huang B, Hosseini Ghomi R. A Computerized Cognitive Test Battery for Detection of Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment: Instrument Validation Study. JMIR Aging 2022;5(2):e36825 doi: 10.2196/36825
  2. Groppell S, Soto-Ruiz KM, Flores B, Dawkins W, Smith I, Eagleman DM, Katz Y. A Rapid, Mobile Neurocognitive Screening Test to Aid in Identifying Cognitive Impairment and Dementia (BrainCheck): Cohort Study JMIR Aging 2019;2(1):e12615. https://doi.org/10.2196/12615c
  3. Huang B, Zavala P, Mann C, Harlock S, Dekle K, Knighton A, Ajtai B, Hemphill J. Implementation of BrainCheck for Cognitive Assessment and Care Planning in the Clinica Setting. Innov Aging. 2023 Dec 21;7(Suppl 1):917. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igad104.2946. PMCID:PMC10738837.
  4. Livingston G, Huntley J, Sommerlad A, et al. Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission. Lancet. 2020;396(10248):413–446. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140- 6736(20)30367-6

Some feature availability determined by EHR integration.

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