Cognitive Screeners

With over 19 cognitive screeners, our tool empowers you to digitally identify and manage cognitive impairments with confidence.
In addition to our flagship BrainCheck screeners—Screen, Assess, and Care Plan—we offer 16 additional cognitive screeners, including GAD-7, GDS, and more, all at no extra cost. Explore the screener videos below:
PHQ-9 | Digital Depression Screening in Adults
PCL 5 | Digital PTSD Checklist
NPI-Q+ | Digital Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire
Safety Assessment Checklist | Digital Cognitive Care
ZBI-22 | Zarit Burden Interview Digital Tool
PRAPARE | Assess Social Factors Impacting Patient Health
PROMIS Global 10 | Standardize Patient Reported Outcomes
BEHAV5+ | 5-Minute Digital Behavior Assessment
Dementia Severity Rating Scale | 5-Minute Assessment
Caregiver Profile Assessment | Cognitive Test
End-of-Life Checklist | Palliative Care & Support
FAST Functional Assessment Staging Tool | Dementia
GAD7 | 5-Minute Generalized Anxiety Assessment
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) | Cognitive Screening
IADL | Measure Ability to Perform Complex Daily Tasks
Lawton-Brody IADL | Digitally Assess Daily Functions

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