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Improve dementia diagnosis with Digital Cognitive Assessment.

Identifying and diagnosing dementia improves risk capture—with each dementia diagnosis adding between $3,200 and $4,200 in risk- adjusted capitation payments.

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Early diagnosis of Dementia:
Good for Patients, Good for Business

Our patient assessments and administrative tools help doctors make informed diagnosis and create personalized care plans for patients.

Improve dementia diagnosis with Digital Cognitive Assessment.

60% of individuals with probable dementia lack a diagnosis. Early dementia screening can improve risk capture in your senior member populations and dramatically increase revenue, with a low implementation cost.

$3,200 to $4,200 Per Dementia Diagnosis via Risk-Adjustment

Early diagnosis enables access to new treatments and clinical trials, while allowing individuals more time to plan for the future while they are cognitively able to make important decisions. A recorded diagnosis of cognitive decline can also help to prevent costly hospital admissions down the road.

How BrainCheck Works for You

Improve Outcomes For Your Senior Patient Population​

Early diagnosis enables access to new treatments and clinical trials, while allowing individuals more time to plan for the future while they are cognitively able to make legal, financial, and end-of-life decisions. 

Reduce Total Cost Of Care Through Early Diagnosis​

The Alzheimer’s Association commissioned a study of the potential cost savings of early diagnosis. They found that if 88% of individuals who will develop Alzheimer’s disease would be diagnosed in the Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) phase rather than the dementia phase or not at all, then approximately $7 trillion could be saved in health care costs.

Increase the Value of your Medicare Advantage Contracts

Dementia codes (HCC-51/HCC-52) are risk adjusted for Medicare Advantage providers to be aligned with the higher associated cost of care. Current dementia risk-adjustment adds approximately $3,200 to $4,200 per affected patient in yearly capitation rates.

Alzheimer’s Association reports dementia prevalence of 10-12% in seniors, and with 60% of dementia currently undiagnosed, there is a significant financial opportunity for payors & health systems to implement strategies to improve diagnosis rates. 

Learn More

A simple and effective assessment solution

Our patient assessments provide objective data that helps doctors identify and diagnose dementia—and our care management platform makes it easy for them to create personalized care plans for patients.

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Gamified assessments
That Take Less than
15 minutes to Complete

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Clinical decision support and personalized cognitive
care planning technology

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Interactive patient portal
for telemedicine and
remote patient monitoring

“>Cognitive Health Care
for patients everywhere

Members can take assessments in-clinic or remotely and have results shared with their doctor. BrainCheck helps payors provide cognitive care to more members, reduce risk, and improve health equity by removing barriers to cognitive care.

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BrainCheck on Mac & tablet

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