Study Finds BrainCheck is Reliable When Taken Alone and Across Different Devices

In a previous post, we discussed our research finding BrainCheck comparable to traditional pen and paper administered tests. Another recent study focused on reliability of remote cognitive testing. 

To correctly measure and interpret cognitive performance, BrainCheck must be consistent across all platforms, as well as when self-administered or remotely administered by a proctor (e.g., a clinician via telehealth). We sought to address questions of whether or not BrainCheck performs consistently among the various device platforms, and the effect proctoring may have on assessment performance. 


We recruited 75 participants and split them into two groups to assess BrainCheck cross-platform reliability (Group A), and self-administered vs. administered (Group B). 

Participants in Group A were asked to complete a cognitive assessment using BrainCheck on any compatible devices they had available. These devices included Apple iPad and iPhone devices, as well as computer browsers. 

Participants in Group B were further split. Half of this group was asked to complete two identical cognitive assessments using BrainCheck: self-administered first, and then again with a proctor. The other half took the same two cognitive assessments using BrainCheck but in the reverse order: proctored first, then self administered. 

We performed analyses to compare performance across groups. 

Reliability of Remote Cognitive Testing Results

Across Devices

Of the 10 overall metrics that come out of the BrainCheck battery, the study found significant differences across platforms in five metrics. These assessments included the normalized composite score, Stroop Interference Test, Digit-Symbol Substitution, and Trails A/B. 

However, BrainCheck normalizes individuals according to device type. This ensures differences due to the device do not factor into scores. Therefore, our findings indicate consistency across all platforms when using BrainCheck.

Self-Administration versus Remote Administration

Our results indicate cognitive assessment performance using BrainCheck is consistent for self-administered or remotely administered assessments.

Of all assessments, only the coordination assessment demonstrated differences in self-administered vs. proctored administration. The coordination assessment is hard to use without some guidance and this difference was an expected finding. 

We did find four metrics differed if the participant self-administered the tests first, as opposed to receiving guidance from a proctor first. These assessments were the Stroop Test, Flanker Test, Motor Coordination Test and Digit-Symbol Substitution Test. These differences were most likely due to coaching effects, which may have helped participants navigate the tests a second time.

The Importance of Remote Testing during the Pandemic

With the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, telemedicine has become necessary — especially for those most at-risk. 

Thus, a solution to assess and monitor patients’ cognitive health from anywhere is vital. Through research, we have found BrainCheck can reliably measure and track cognitive performance when self-administered.

Find additional remote cognitive testing resources »

Additional contributions to this article by Huy Phi.


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