How COVID-19 Affects the Brain

An infection with COVID-19 is likely to cause lingering neurocognitive health effects, according to a JAMA Psychiatry article, “How COVID-19 Affects the Brain” from its March 2021 Neurology journal.

Coronavirus patients have consistently reported cognitive impairment even months after recovery from respiratory symptoms. Recovering patients report experiencing  “brain fog” and other short and long-term neuropsychiatric symptoms. The following are the most prevalent presentations for multi-symptom Covid patients:

  • New-onset Anxiety
  • Cognitive and Attention Deficits (ie, Brain Fog)
  • Anosmia
  • Depression 
  • Psychosis 
  • Seizures
  • Suicidal Behavior

The above can present before, during, and after noticeable respiratory symptoms and are unrelated to respiratory insufficiency (such as oxygen deprivation from difficulty breathing, or inefficient lung capacity), suggesting independent brain effects from viral infection. The authors also note the interplay of inflammation and coagulation and “mini-strokes.” 

The BrainCheck platform can be utilized for patients who have been diagnosed with a COVID-19 infection for assessing cognitive impairment and monitoring symptoms over time to determine if the patient’s condition is improving with treatment. See how the Mount Sinai Heath System is using BrainCheck for this purpose in their Rehabilitation Center.

In the following video, neuropsychiatrist Dr. Reza Ghomi discusses how the sensitivity of BrainCheck, compared to other screening tools, helps him assess and monitor brain fog associated with Covid19.

In addition to its clinical benefits, BrainCheck can also be used to gather valuable data to assist with current and future COVID-related treatments specific to brain health and cognitive impairment. 

Contact us to find out how easy it is to implement our platform for your clinic or practice.

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